Friday, August 30, 2019

Art Is Long Life Is Short Essay

Art is a one of the most wonderful things in our life. It is an expression of inner thoughts and beauty in our life. It helps people to understand and feel deeply the all beauty and splendor of our culture. Without the greatest masterpieces of past times we even couldn’t find out the development of our history. For example, the most wonderful treasures are Wonders of the World. Thanks to them we know about the potentials of human creativity, thoughts, and, of course, about our past. Basically, the phrase means that great art, whether it is music, painting or poetry will far outlive their creators. For example, William Shakespeare. He passed away many centuries ago but his magnificent tragedies, comedies and sonnets are still alive. They will always be the greatest literature masterpieces of the world. And many artists, composers and poets were not famous inter vivos, their works were not popular or were fundamentally different with the demands of the government, and they live on the breadline. But after their deaths their works became appreciated at their true value. For example, one of the greatest Russian composer Modest Musorgsky did not manage to show his compositions to people openly, in all of their beauty because they were too sharp and truthful and, of course, his works were banned to perform. He was distraught and began drinking alcohol and died in destitution. But after his death, the time has changed and his masterpieces were appreciated and they are still one of the most wonderful music compositions of the world. The works of artists, composers, sculptures can go on for many generations. Life seems so incomparably short to great art. And we do not even notice how life goes. Life can end, but art is immortal. And all of the creators are also alive in their masterpieces and in our souls.

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