Monday, September 30, 2019

An Era of Smart Phones and Dumb People

An Era of Smart Phones and Dumb People You spot them immediately. They're gathered around the swing set Eke moths to an open flame; not talking, Just looking down at what's In their small hands. There's around four of them, appearing to be first graders or so, testing away twice as fast as you ever could, completely oblivious to everything around them. Pausing for a second, you stop to wonder, â€Å"Whatever happened to actually using the swing set? † Technology is like a fine wine; as it matures and ages, it becomes better and better, making it appeal to large crowds of people.Yet what happens If one has too much wine? They become drunk. Just like an alcoholic, the next generation appears as if they are addicted to this modern technology, and that is not be such a good thing as people think It Is. The kids seem to be gradually losing one of the most delicate and treasured things on this planet: human Interaction. For example, let me pose a simple question, when was the last t ime you have a game night with your family, or any other time that was solely devoted to your nearest and dearest? Some will answer years while others, mere days.Twenty-first century based females tend to go to their own sections of the house with an electronic of their choice, whether that may be a Kindle, phone, Pod, Tablet, you name it, instead of hanging out with their family. Young children observe this and brand It as the norm. Well, why shouldn't they? Aren't we the ones at blame for this? The ones they look to in order to know how to interact, to act with others? Look at the older population, the elderly, in your community; they will smile at you through car windows while parked at red lights or ask you how you're doing while o'er both standing In the grocery line at your local supermarket.Sadly, this seems to be a rare thing to stumble across these days in all of us young people. Back when I was a kid, If I wanted to play a game I would go find my brother and we would have to make one up ourselves. That's right; we had to use our imaginations, just like our dear friend Sponge taught us to. But now, with Inventions such as the Leaped and Manitoba, instead of making up their own games, children have the ability to download over three hundred and twenty-five APS with a push of a button.Along with these APS, as if they weren't already enough, the youngsters can record videos, take pictures with the two cameras available, listen to music, and access an internet made just for them. At their age, I had sidewalk chalk and a stinking Jump rope for crying out loud. Yet why would they choose such simple, ordinary things when they have hours of guaranteed entertainment right at their little fingertips, within those many APS? Snatching away. Ah yes, now I've remembered.You know all those outdoor toy commercials that make kids want to explore the great outside? Me neither. Outside: The brilliant archenemy of the indoors. It's a place to be loud, rambunctious, and l east of all quiet. In a nutshell, it's a child's heaven on Earth, or should be. But instead of actually going outdoors to play, kids tend to stay inside claiming it's too hot, too cold, too windy, too†¦ Too anything really. So instead they sit on the couch watching mindless television shows while withering away into nothing more or less than lazy, couch potatoes.If the patterns keep up we may eventually all turn into mild forms of the characters in the beloved movie Wall-E: grotesquely fat, genealogy obsessed humans, who don't know how to live without an electronic in one hand and a remote in another. This sickens and saddens me all at once. Now, am I declaring that all technology is bad and it should be banished from Earth never to be spoken of or seen again? That we should Just absentmindedly convert back to the ways our ancestors and live without modern conveniences? Of course I'm not!I'm merely asking you to take a step back and look at how much technology you use on a dail y basis, even if it's Just making a call on your cell phone r turning on the TV to unwind after a long day at work. I simply don't want a world where the next generation becomes engulfed and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of technology being shoved down their throats as soon as they are able to walk and talk. The relationships we construct with others should be cherished and preserved by interacting with each other face-to-face every rather than Just testing each other. I'm asking you to get off the couch and be social.Go to Struck with a few friends, go shopping with them, or maybe even volunteer and meet new people. Find the balance in your life; don't let technology control it. The same goes for your children, sure you can give them a Nintendo or a Tablet, but remember to shoo them outside every once in a while to play. A child's imagination or anyone's really, can't be replaced with APS and computers, it's Just impossible. They can be compressed, though, if they don't have a ch ance to grow. A close friend once told me, â€Å"We are living in the era of smart phones and dumb people,† and if you think about it enough, we are. We really, truly are.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Island of the Sequined Love Nun Chapter 46~48

46 Beans and Succubus Tuck's other partner showed up at his bungalow that evening as he was sitting down to a plate of pork and beans. She didn't knock, or call out, or even clear her throat politely to let him know she was there. One minute Tuck was studying a gelatinous white cube of unidentifiable carbon-based life-form awash in a lumpy puddle of boiled legumes and tomato sauce, and the next the door opened and she was standing there wearing nothing but a red scarf and sequined high heels. Tuck dropped his spoon. Two partially used beans dribbled out of his open mouth, tracing contrails of sauce down the front of his shirt. She executed a single flamenco heel stomp and Tuck watched the impact move up her body and settle comfortably in her breasts. She threw her arms wide, struck a pose, and said, â€Å"The Sky Priestess has arrived.† â€Å"Yes, she has,† Tuck said with the glassy-eyed stupifaction of a newly converted Moonie. He'd seen something like her before, either on the hood of a Rolls-Royce or on a bowling trophy, but in the flesh the image was much more immediate, awe-inspiring even. She pirouetted and the tails of the scarf trailed around her like affectionate smoke. â€Å"What do you think?† â€Å"Uh-huh,† Tuck said, nodding. â€Å"Come here.† Tuck stood and moved toward her in the mindless shuffle step of a zombie compelled by the promise of living flesh. His brain stopped work-ing, his entire life energy shifted to another part of his body, and it led him across the room to within an inch of her. It wasn't the first time this had happened to him, but before he had always retained the power of speech and most of his motor functions. â€Å"What's wrong with you?† she said. â€Å"Bolts in your neck too tight?† â€Å"My entire body has an erection.† She took him by the front of the shirt and backed him across the room to the bed, then pushed him down and pulled his pants down to his knees. She vaulted onto him in a straddle and he reached up for her breasts. She caught his wrists. â€Å"No. You'll fuck up my makeup.† And he noticed – like an accident victim might notice a butterfly in the grille of the bus that is running over him – that her nipples had been rouged to an unnatural pink. He tried to sit up and she shoved him back down, then took him in her hand, nicking him with a red fingernail, making him wince, and guided him inside of her. He reached for her hips to drive her down and got his hands slapped for the effort. And she fucked him – precise and mechanical as a machine, a single pounding motion repeated and lubricated and repeated again – until her breath rasped in her throat like hissing hydraulics and she arched her back and stalled, and misfired, then dieseled for a stroke or two, and she climbed off. Somewhere in all that he had come and she had looked at him once. He lay there looking at the remnants of torn mosquito netting over the bed, breathing hard, feeling a little dizzy, and wondering what had just happened. She went to the bathroom, then returned a few seconds later and threw him a towel, which she had obviously used herself. â€Å"We're flying in three or four hours. Be ready.† â€Å"Okay.† Was he supposed to say something? Didn't this signify some sort of change that should be acknowledged? â€Å"I want you to watch me, but you can't let them see you. Wait a few minutes and go out by the hanger where you can see the airstrip. It's a great show. Theater makes it all possible, you know. Ask the Catholics. They survived the Middle Ages by putting on performances in a language that no one understood on grand stages that were built by the pennies of the poor. That's the problem with religion today. No theater.† This must be her version of cuddling. â€Å"Performance?† â€Å"The appearance of the Sky Priestess,† she said as if she was talking to a piece of toast. She walked to the door, then paused and looked over her shoulder. Almost as an afterthought she said, â€Å"Tucker,† and when he looked up she blew him a kiss. Then she was out the door and he heard her shout, â€Å"Cue the music!† A big band sound blasted across the island, sending a shiver rattling through Tuck's body as if a chill ghost from the forties had jitterbugged over his spine. 47 Grand Theft Aircraft The Shark men were breaking into their second jug of tuba when the music started. They all looked to Malink. Why hadn't he told them there was going to be an appearance of the Sky Priestess? Malink thought fast, then grinned as if he had known this was coming all along. â€Å"I wanted it to be a surprise,† he said. Why hadn't this been an-nounced by the Sorcerer? Was he still angry because Malink had not pro-duced the girl-man on demand? Was Vincent himself angry at Malink for something? Certainly Malink's people would be angry at him for not giving them the time to prepare the drums and the bamboo rifles of Vincent's army – and the women, oh, the women would be shitting coconuts over not having time to oil their skins and paint their faces and put on their ce-remonial grass skirts. As Malink trudged to the airstrip he tried to formulate some explanation that would work with everyone. As if it wasn't difficult enough being chief with no coffee to drink in the morning – he'd had a headache for two weeks from caffeine withdrawal – now his role as religious leader was giving him problems. Leading a religion is tough work when your gods start stirring for real and messing up your prophecies. And what if he did come up with an explanation, only to have the Priestess of the Sky say something that contradicted him? She was supposed to be Vincent's voice, but that voice had been angry lately, so he didn't dare ask her for help as he had in the past. Not in front of his people. He came out of the jungle just in time to see the flash of the explosions. The Sky Priestess walked out of the smoke and even from a hundred yards away, Malink could tell by her step that she was pleased. Malink breathed a sigh of relief. She was carrying magazines for them. If his people were happy with what she said, then he could use the old â€Å"will of Vincent† argument for not preparing them. He could have never guessed the real reason the Sorcerer had not forewarned him of the appearance of the Sky Priestess. At the time when he normally called the warning, the Sorcerer had been watching through the window as the Sky Priestess pumped away on Tucker Case. Tuck waited five minutes before he pulled up his pants and slid out the door of his bungalow, nearly running into Sebastian Curtis. The doctor, normally cool, was soaked with sweat and looked past Tuck to the clinic. â€Å"Mr. Case. I thought you'd be preparing the plane. Beth did tell you that you have a flight?† Tuck fought the urge to bolt. He hadn't had enough time to build up any remorse about having sex with the doctor's wife, and he didn't excel at remorse in the first place. â€Å"I was on my way to do the preflight. It doesn't take long.† The doctor didn't make eye contact. â€Å"You'll forgive me if I seem distracted. I have to perform major surgery in a few minutes. You should go watch Beth's little show.† â€Å"What's all the music and explosions?† â€Å"It's how we retrieve our donors. Beth will explain her theory of religion and theater to you, I'm sure. Excuse me.† He pushed past Tucker and looked at his shoes as he walked toward the clinic. â€Å"Aren't you going to watch?† Tuck said. â€Å"Thank you, but I find it nauseating.† â€Å"Oh,† Tuck said. â€Å"Then I'll go check out the Lear. Great game today, Doc.† â€Å"Yes,† Curtis said. He resumed his stiff-armed walk to the clinic, his fists balled so hard at his sides that Tuck could see them shaking. The guards were gathered at the edge of the hangar. Mato looked up quickly and made eye contact long enough for Tuck to see that he was nervous. Tuck wished he had asked him if the other guards spoke English. â€Å"Konichi-wa, motherfuckers,† Tuck said, covering his linguistic bases. None of the guards responded. Except for Mato, their eyes were trained on Beth Curtis dancing across the airstrip to Benny Goodman's â€Å"Sing, Sing, Sing.† One of the guards hit a button by the hangar and the music stopped as Beth Curtis stepped onto a small wooden platform on the far side of the runway. With the speakers silenced, Tuck could hear the drums of the Shark People. Some were marching around in formation holding lengths of bamboo painted red as rifles. Beth Curtis raised her hands, a copy of People in each, and the drums stopped. Tuck couldn't hear what she was saying, but she was waving her arms around like a soapbox preacher, and the crowd of natives moved, and flinched, and hung on her every word. She paused at one point and handed the magazines down to Malink, who backed away from the platform with his head bowed. Tuck didn't find anything about her performance nauseating, but it was nothing if not strange. Why all the pomp and circumstance? You have six guys with machine guns, you can pretty much go rip a kidney out anytime you want to. He needed to think, and he didn't particularly want to see whom she would pick. Whoever it was, their face would be in his head all the way to Japan and back. He went into the hangar, lowered the door on the Lear, climbed into the dark plane, and lay down in the aisle between the seats. He couldn't hear the sound of the Sky Priestess or the natives oohing and ahhhing, and here among the steel and glass and plastic and upholstery, it felt like home. Here he could hear the sound of his own mind; here in his very own Learjet, the weirdness was all outside. But for the lack of a key he would have taken the plane right then. The guard kicked Tuck in the thigh much harder than was needed to wake him. Tuck looked up to see the face of the guard who had beaten him on the beach. He had a scar that ran up his forehead tracing a bare streak into his scalp and Tuck had started to think of him as Stripe, the evil little monster from the movie Gremlins. Tuck's anger was immediate and white-hot. Only the Uzi stopped him from getting his ass kicked again. The guard dangled the key to the Lear's main power cutoff. It was time to go. Tuck limped to the cockpit and strapped himself into the pilot's seat. Stripe inserted the power key into the instrument console, twisted it, and stepped back to watch as Tuck started the power-up procedure. The other ninjas pulled the Lear out of the hangar by a large T-bar attached to the front wheel. When the plane was safely out of the hangar, Tuck started to spool up the jets. Stripe remained with the Uzi at port arms. Tuck made a big show of going though the checklist, testing switches and gauges. He frowned and clicked the radar switch a couple of times. He looked back at Stripe. â€Å"Go check the nose. Something's not right.† The guard shook his head. Tuck mimed his instructions again and Stripe nodded, then he motioned through the window for another of the guards to join them on board. Evidently, they weren't going to leave him un-guarded in the plane with the power key in. Stripe turned over the guard duty to the other ninja and appeared at the front of the plane. Tuck mo-tioned for him to get closer to the nose. Stripe did. Tuck turned on the radar. â€Å"And a lovely brain tumor for you, you son of a bitch.† Stripe seemed to actually feel the microwave energy and he jumped back from the plane. Tuck grinned and gave him the okay sign. â€Å"I hope your tiny little balls are boiling,† he said aloud. The guard behind him didn't seem to understand what Tuck was saying, but he nudged him with the barrel of his Uzi and pointed. Beth Curtis, in her dark Armani, was coming across the compound with briefcase and cooler in hand. She stepped into the plane and nodded to the guard. Instead of leaving, he took a seat back in the passenger compartment. Beth strapped herself into the copilot's seat. â€Å"We taking him in for shore leave?† Tuck said. â€Å"No. He's just along for the ride tonight.† â€Å"Oh, right.† Tuck powered up the jets and eased the Lear out of the compound onto the runway. Beth Curtis was silent until they were at altitude, cruising toward Japan. Tuck did not engage the autopilot, but steered the Lear gradually, perhaps a degree a minute, to the west. â€Å"So what did you think?† â€Å"Pretty impressive, but I don't get it. Why the whole show to bring in someone for surgery? Why not just send the guards?† â€Å"We're not taking their kidneys, Tucker. They're giving them.† Tuck didn't want to give away what he had learned from Malink and Sepie about the â€Å"chosen.† He said, â€Å"Giving them to who? A naked white woman?† She laughed, reached into her briefcase, and brought out an eight-by-ten color photograph. â€Å"To the Sky Priestess.† She held the photograph where Tuck could see it. He had to steer manually. If he hit the autopilot now, the plane would turn back toward Japan, the only preset in the nav computer. The photograph was in color but old. A flyer stood by the side of a B-26 bomber. On the side of the bomber was the painting of a voluptuous naked woman and the legend SKY PRIESTESS. It could have been a painting of Beth Curtis as she had looked when she arrived at Tuck's bungalow. He recog-nized the flyer as well. It was the ghost flyer he'd been seeing all along. He felt his face flush, but he tried to stay cool. â€Å"So who's that?† â€Å"The flyer was a guy named Vincent Bennidetti,† Beth said. â€Å"The plane was named the Sky Priestess. All the bombers had nose art like that in World War II. We found the picture in the library in San Francisco.† â€Å"So what's that got to do with our operation? You're dressing up like the picture on an airplane.† â€Å"No, I am the Sky Priestess.† â€Å"I'm sorry, Beth. I still don't get it.† â€Å"This is the pilot that the Shark People worship. The cargo cult that ‘Bastian told you about.† Tuck nodded and tried to look surprised, but he was watching his course without seeming to do so. If he had figured it right, they would be over Guam in fifteen minutes and the American military would force them down. The Air Force was very cranky about private jets flying though their airspace. â€Å"The natives on Alualu worship this Vincent guy,† Beth said. â€Å"I speak for Vincent. They come to me when we play the music and I give them everything. In return, I choose one of them for the honor of the mark of Vincent, which, of course, is the scar they get from the operation.† â€Å"Like I said, you've got armed guards. Why not just take what you want?† She looked shocked that he would ask. â€Å"And get out of show business?† Then she smiled and reached over and gave his crotch a squeeze. â€Å"When I met Sebastian in San Francisco, he was drunk and throwing money around. One minute he was so dignified and erudite, the next he was like a little native child. He told me about the cargo cult and I came up with the idea of not just doing this to support the clinic, but to get really filthy rich. We had to keep the people happy if we were going to do this in big numbers.† â€Å"So you thought all of this up?† â€Å"It's the reason I'm here.† â€Å"But Sebastian said you were a† – Tuck caught himself before he said â€Å"stripper† – â€Å"surgical nurse.† â€Å"I was. So what? Did I get any respect for that? Did I get any power? No. To the doctors I was just a piece of ass who could handle surgical instru-ments and close a patient when they needed to get to the golf course. Did Sebastian tell you I used to strip?† â€Å"He mentioned something about it in passing.† â€Å"Well, I did. And I was good.† â€Å"I can imagine,† Tuck said. A few more minutes and they should be joined by an F-16. She smiled. â€Å"Fuck nursing. I was just a piece of meat to the men I worked with, so I decided to go with it. I was pushing thirty and all single women my age were walking around with a desperate look in their eye and a bio-logical clock ticking so loud you thought it was the crocodile from Peter Pan. If I was going to be treated like meat, I was going to make money at it. And I did. Not enough, but a lot more than I would have made nursing.† â€Å"Do tell,† Tuck said. He couldn't remember ever saying â€Å"Do tell,† and it sounded a little strange hearing it. She looked out the window as if she had fallen into some reverie. Then, without looking back, she said, â€Å"What's that island?† Tuck tensed. â€Å"I couldn't say.† She sighed. â€Å"Islands are amazing.† â€Å"I always say that.† She seemed to come out of her trance and looked at the instrument board. Tuck acted as if he was concentrating on flying the plane. He glanced at Beth Curtis. Her mouth had tightened into a line. She reached into the briefcase and came out with the Walther automatic. â€Å"What's that for?† Tuck said. â€Å"Get back on course.† â€Å"I am on course.† â€Å"Now!† â€Å"But I am on course. Look.† He pointed to the nav computer, which still showed the coordinates of the airstrip in Japan, although it wasn't engaged with the autopilot. â€Å"No, you're not.† She pointed to the compass. â€Å"You're at least ninety degrees off course. Turn the plane to Japan now or I'll shoot you.† Tuck was tired of it. â€Å"Right. And you'll fly the plane? There's a difference between being able to read a compass and making a landing.† â€Å"I didn't say I would kill you. I'm good with this. You'll still be able to fly with one testicle. Now that would be a shame for both of us. Please turn the plane.† Tuck engaged the autopilot and let the Lear bring itself around to the course to Japan. â€Å"Sebastian said you might try something like that,† she said. â€Å"I told him I could handle you. I can, can't I? Handle you, I mean.† Tuck was quiet for a minute, berating himself for overestimating the efficiency of the military. Then finally he said, â€Å"You are a nefarious, diabolical, and evil bitch.† â€Å"And?† â€Å"That's all.† â€Å"I'm impressed. ‘Nefarious' has more than two syllables. I am a good influence on you.† â€Å"Fuck you.† â€Å"You will,† she said. 48 Too Many Guns Back at the drinking circle, Malink opened a copy of People reverentially and read by kerosene lamp while the other men huddled to get a look at the pictures. â€Å"Cher is worst-dressed,† Malink announced. â€Å"Too skinny,† said Favo. â€Å"I like Lady Di.† Malink cringed. In the picture Lady Di was wearing a string of pearls, obviously the reason for Favo's preference. Malink turned the page. â€Å"Celestine Raptors of Madison County is number one movie in country,† Malink read. â€Å"I want to see a movie,† Favo said. â€Å"You must tell the Sky Priestess to tell Vincent to bring a movie.† â€Å"Many movies,† said Abo. â€Å"And many delicious light and healthy snacks with NutraSweet registered trademark,† he added in English. â€Å"Vincent will bring many snacks.† Malink was turning to the moving story of a two-thousand-pound man who, after being forklifted out of his house, had dieted down to a svelte fourteen hundred when the sound of a machine gun rattled across the is-land. Malink put down the magazine and held up his hand to quiet the men. They waited and there was another burst of gunfire. A few seconds later they heard shouting and looked down the beach to see Sarapul running as fast as his spindly old legs would carry him. â€Å"Come help!† he shouted. â€Å"They shot the navigator!† The Uzi was pressed so hard into Tuck's side that he felt as if his ribs were going to separate any second. The guard crouched behind him in the cockpit hatchway, while out on the tarmac Beth Curtis exchanged the cooler for another manila envelope. She seemed to be in a much better mood when she climbed back into the copilot's seat. â€Å"Home, James.† Tuck tossed his head toward the back of the plane where the guard was taking his seat. â€Å"I guess you weren't taking any chances about me taking off while you were out of the plane.† â€Å"Do I look stupid?† she said. A smile there, no hint of a challenge. â€Å"No, I guess not.† Tuck pushed up the throttles and taxied the Lear back out to the runway. Again Beth Curtis reached over and gave him a light squeeze to the crotch. She put on her headset so she could talk to him over the roar of the engines as they took off. â€Å"Look, I know this is hard for you. Trust is some-thing you build, and you haven't known me long enough to learn to do that.† Tuck thought, It would help if you weren't changing personalities every five minutes. â€Å"Trust me, Tucker. What we are doing is not hurting the people of Alualu. There are people in India who are selling off their organs for less than the price of a used Toyota pickup. With what we make, we can be sure that these people are always taken care of, and we can take care of ourselves in the meantime.† â€Å"If people are selling their organs on the cheap, then how are you – we – making so much money?† â€Å"Because we can do it to order. Transplant isn't just a matter of blood type, you know. Sure, in a pinch – and usually it is a pinch – you can go on just blood type, but there are four other factors in tissue typing. If they match, along with blood type, then you have a better chance of the body not rejecting the organ. Sebastian has a database of the tissue types of every native on the island. When there's a need for an exact match, the order comes in over the satellite and we run it through the database. If we have it, the Sky Priestess calls the chosen.† â€Å"Don't the people have to be the same race?† â€Å"It helps, but it seems that the people of Alualu have a very similar genetic pattern to the Japanese.† â€Å"They don't look Japanese. How do you know this?† â€Å"Actually, it was figured out by an anthropologist who came to the island long before I did. He was studying the language and genetics of the islanders to determine where they migrated from. Turns out there are both linguistic and genetic links to Japan. They've been diluted by interbreeding with natives from New Guinea, but it's still very close.† â€Å"So you guys opened up Kidneys ‘R' Us and started making a mint.† â€Å"Except for the scar, their lives don't change, Tucker. We've never lost a patient to a botched operation or infection.† But bullets, Tuck thought, are another matter. Still, there was nothing he could do to stop them, and if he had to do nothing, a great salary and his own jet were pretty good compensation. He'd spent most of his life not doing anything. Was it so bad to be paid for what you're good at? He said, â€Å"So it doesn't hurt them? In the long run, I mean.† â€Å"Their other kidney steps up production and they never notice the difference.† â€Å"I still don't get the Sky Priestess thing.† She sighed. â€Å"Control the religion and you control the people. Sebastian tried to bring Christianity to the Shark People – and the Catholics before him – but you can't compete with a god people have actually seen. The answer? Become that god.† â€Å"But I thought Vincent was the god.† â€Å"He is, but he will bring wonderful cargo in the Sky Priestess. Besides, it breaks the boredom. Boredom can be a lethal thing on a small island. You know about that already.† Tuck nodded. It wasn't so bad now. The fear of being murdered had gone a long way toward breaking his boredom. Beth Curtis leaned over and kissed him lightly on the temple. â€Å"You and I can fight the boredom together. That's one of the reasons I chose you.† â€Å"You chose me?† In spite of himself, he was thinking about her naked body grinding away above him. â€Å"Of course I chose you. I'm the Sky Priestess, aren't I?† â€Å"I'm not so sure it was you,† Tuck said, thinking about the ghost pilot. She pushed away and looked at him as if he had lost his mind.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Academic degree Essay Example for Free (#3)

Academic degree Essay ? Healthcare Basics – What to Know Before Pursuing a Health Career Decide Which Health Career is Best for You Healthcare Employers – Where to Work in the Medical Industry Medical Education – Training and Education Required for Health Careers Paying for Education Costs – How to Pay for Your Healthcare Education Healthcare Compensation – How You’ll Get Paid, and How Much Getting the Job – How to Secure Your Dream Job in Healthcare Health Career Advancement – Manage Your Healthcare Career for Success Professional Health Career Resources and Reference Materials Trends, News, and Issues Impacting Your Career in Healthcare Glossary of Terms for Health Careers. Blog Updated Articles and Resources View More Free Email Newsletter Let About. com send you the latest from our Health Careers Expert. You can opt-out at any time. Please refer to our privacy policy for contact information. Medical student holding flask with blue – Cultura Science/Matt Lincoln/Riser/Getty Images Cultura Science/Matt Lincoln/Riser/Getty Images Question: Why Is Education So Important for Success? Is education important to a successful career in the healthcare industry? And if so, how important is it, and why is education so important? Many readers and job seekers often ask why education is important with respect to one’s career, particularly in the healthcare industry. Some people also want to know how education can impact overall quality of life, in addition to the impact education has on one’s career. Many job seekers, some who have years of experience, may not even be considered for a job, or they may be passed over for a candidate who has a degree, or more education, but has less experience. Why? Ads Medical Science Degree theacademy. edu. au/medical_science Designed for high-achievers. Be mentored by experienced researchers Bachelor Courses www. seeklearning. com. au/Bachelor Study Online When It Suits You FEE-HELP Available. Enrol Now. Career Personality Quiz carecareers. com. au/CareerQuiz Find Out Which Jobs Suit You Best. Get your Free Personal Profile Now. Professional Degree Theology Degree Jobs Jobs Health Science Jobs Leadership Degree Answer: Education is very important to both your personal and professional life, in a number of significant ways! Depending on the level of success you’re seeking to achieve, the level of education may be relative, but the bottom line is, an education of some sort is often paramount to future success. Completing increasingly advanced levels of education shows that you have a drive and commitment to learn and apply information, ideas, theories, and formulas to achieve a variety of tasks and goals. Subject Matters: Probably the most obvious reason education is important is to acquire the subject matter and basic knowledge needed to get by in everyday life. For example: English and language skills: English and language skills will help you to communicate your ideas more clearly. Communication skills are essential in any role – whether you’re dealing with co-workers, patients, customers, or supervisors, you will need to effectively convey your plans, ideas, goals, and such. Math and science skills: Although calculators and computers are readily accessible, you still need to learn how to do basic computations and calculations on paper or in your head. If you are calculating dosages, counting surgical supplies, or tallying sales, math skills are imperative for a career, and for life. Cooking, shopping, driving, and many other everyday activities require math skills as well, regardless of your career choice. Ads The future of Speech www. jcu. edu. au/5stargrads Study Speech Pathology @ JCU Apply now for 2015! Distance Education wi. edu. au/Education_Diploma_Courses Online Teacher Education Courses. Apply for 2014, 3rd Session Intake The more you LEARN, the more you EARN: Have you ever noticed that the word LEARN contains the word EARN? Perhaps that is because the higher level of education you achieve, the higher level of income you are likely to command as well. For example, consider the following health careers and the educational requirements as they relate to annual income: Medical jobs, no college degree: Pay $20,000-40,000 annually, on average Allied Health Careers, two years of college: Pay from $40,000-60,000 annually. Nursing Careers, Associate’s or Bachelor Degree: Pay $40,000-55,000 on average annually. Advanced Nursing Careers, Master’s Degree required: Pay $60,000-90,000+ annually. Pharmacist, Bachelor’s, + PharmD: Pay $90,000-115,000 annually. Physician, Medical Doctorate required: Pay $120,000-$500,000+ annually Are you seeing the trend here? Clearly, education is important for financial growth in the healthcare field, as with many other careers. Many Employers Now Require Education for Employment: Another primary reason education is important, is that it’s become a basic requirement for so many employers, to even get your foot in the door. Many employers require college level education, even for roles which previously did not require it, such as administrative assistant positions. The fewer years of education you’ve completed, the fewer doors are open to you. It’s that simple. Educational requirements are a quick and easy way to narrow down the field of applicants, especially in situations where there are more applicants than jobs. When hiring from a field of candidates, employers prefer those who have completed the higher level of education. Why has education become so important to employers? In working with hiring managers to conduct candidate searches, it seems that the education requirement has become a barrier for entry into many careers, because education allows you to: Learn how to learn. School teaches you how to gather, learn, and apply knowledge. No matter what career you choose, you will need to learn procedures, information, and skills related to your job, and execute tasks based on that information and training. Develop interpersonal skills. School allows you to interact with other people and refine your communication skills, including those of persuasion, conflict resolution, and teamwork. Learn time and task management. Learn how to manage projects, deadlines, and complete assignments efficiently and effectively. Learn from experience of others. By attending school, you are able to learn from the experience and intellect of thousands of people who have gone before you. In just a few years, through your textbooks, research, and class lessons, school gives you a consolidated overview of theories, formulas, ideologies, and experiments conducted by generations of scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, historians, and other experts. While gaining your own personal work experience is helpful too, a formal education is a way to learn from centuries of others’ life and work and academic experience before you. As you can see, education is important to everyone, but education is even more important in the healthcare industry. Why? Technology, math and science are key components of many healthcare roles: Healthcare careers often require knowledge and understanding of the sciences, and technology. These fields are always changing and growing with new developments and discoveries. Therefore it’s imperative to have a basic understanding you can build on with continuing education throughout your career, to keep up with the latest changes and new information. Health professionals have a huge responsibility for the health, well-being, and survival of others. Therefore, health professionals must be particularly adept and relating to other people, learning and gathering information about a patient, and applying it to the treatment and care of that patient based on medical knowledge. For many healthcare roles, degrees and certifications are required for licensure to practice in a certain capacity. Many allied healthcare jobs require at least an associate’s degree, most nurses need bachelor’s degrees, and physicians and advanced practice nurses must have many years of post-graduate training to include master’s and doctorate degrees. Related Articles Healthcare Career Questions and Answers Education Levels and Employment Why You Should Get your Doctoral Degree How Much Education Do You Need for Criminal Justice and Criminology Careers? 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Our Story Advertise News Site Map All Topics Reprints Help Write for About Careers at About User Agreement Ethics Policy Patent Info Bizarre Entertainment Health How to Lifestyle Most Expensive Tech Travel Internet More List Crux Home > Education > Why Education is extremely Important? 10 Reasons Education How to Lifestyle Why Education is extremely Important? 10 Reasons By ankita Shrivastava | July 8, 20141 Comment 1 Education for all means has been the most important debate in all stages of society, progress and development. This might build in you the question as to why everyone is running behind education? What is it that makes us bind to education and makes it the center of attraction to all the aristocrats, law makers, parents and elders? Education isn’t about my marks or your standard its about knowledge and how well you are aware of the happenings around you. A person who is awakened knows what’s best for him/her, knows the difference between right and wrong and that’s when he is known as educated. 10. SOCIETY society We live in an ever progressing and developing society. Education in this society is not only a demarcation of the wealthy and poor but also of the uneducated and educated. Your reputation and social image is dependent on your educational qualifications. More than your salary, caste, creed or religion, people care about your degree for it demarks you from the rest. Society is also a cluster of different people, to deal with each we need knowledge of the system as well as our rights and duties which is only taught to us through different mediums of education. This helps us become a member of the society we live in and participate actively in the changes and development required in the society. 9. THE DIFFERENCE the difference. For education also makes us gain the knowledge of differentiating between different aspects of work, life and curriculum. For a person who isn’t educated he/she cannot discriminate as to when he is being fooled or when the stats are true. Country works on a certain curriculum, to follow those routes like in banks, government offices and day to day needs we need to be educated so that no one can hoax us with their knowledge. Your way of talking, perception and interaction in a social gathering shall always stand out compared to the one who is illiterate. 8. NOBODY CAN FOOL YOU nobody can fool you. The lower class of the society is often faced with the issue of not being literate like those who are more privileged, living in urban dynasties. Hence often the selfish urban tend to use the innocence and illiteracy of the uneducated in their favor. Often we come across cases where the farmers sign across wrong papers and have to face long life penalty for giving their land to someone else. This is only because the farmer is illiterate and hence can be easily fooled by words. Whereas an educated person is smart enough to demarcate the cunningness of those around and is less probable to be shot by such cases. 7. INDEPENDENT independent Education makes your growth optimum and helps you become independent to start your own life. It makes you reliable on your instincts and knowledge to take the right decision that does not harm your image and respect. An independent thought process is developed when your brain is open to all the forms of life and knowledge about how advanced the world has become and you witness the improvement in lifestyle. This makes you create your own mentality rather than being a herd follower of your ancestors it also gives you a broader outlook towards life and your career. 6. KNOWLEDGEABLE knowledgable. Education makes you knowledgeable, it makes you stand tall in a discussion and participate enthusiastically with no shame of going dumb. Knowledge makes you aware, potentially updated and also open minded. A person who lacks knowledge is considered to be foolish and regarded as either a learner or an illiterate. Though knowledge might turn to against you if not used in the best of intentions and calibre. 5. STABILITY stability When you are educated, you shall get a job easily. A career can be established by your credits and achievements in the educational field. This not only makes you independent but also helps you create a living. Stability comes when you are on your own, this cannot be achieved until you can excel in all forms and fields with a rigorous effort on scrubbing your caliber. We are all blank frames until and unless a drawing is not drawn, the frame shall remain un noticed and blank. If it is a good image, carefully drawn, specialized by critics the final result shall be explicit compared to rough drawings done by an un- experienced artist hence to be stable and be valued by the world we need education. Education shall support our endeavor and also speak on our behalf of our credits. 4. LIVING living. For a living, it has become mandatory for a citizen to be educated. Not only they are termed as barriers or qualifications to cross before coming in for an interview, but education also decides your performance in an interview. An educated person is aware of his surroundings and therefore can give explicit answers to questions asked whereas an illiterate might not be able to comprehend the questions that shall be bombarded on him. Moreover to apply for a job, the educational qualifications of a student act as the eligibility criteria which is must before the student is able to fill an application. Education opens to the world of our own where we can earn and form a living for ourselves. 3. SENSE OF RIGHT AND WRONG right and wrong To know if you are right, you should might as well know, WHAT IS RIGHT? If we go by terms of what people say there will be a huge confusion in our understanding, leading us to unwanted and fraud situations. This can only be corrected or check if we are educated enough to not be waved away. When a small child is given a toffee, he/she accepts it without understanding its ingredients, taste or what it might do to their health. Though if the same toffee is given to an educated person, he/she can sense the difference by checking their ingredients, taste or smell. This is because experience can education has made them aware of the difference between right and wrong. 2. WISDOM wisdom Education is often compared with wisdom. A person who is educated has wisdom and knowledge. Wisdom to know the correct and knowledge to reason it. Wisdom acts as the stepping stone during a person’s growth. A matured person is often considered to have more wisdom than a teenager because he/she has faced the cons of life and come out with experience that make them smart, careful and aware. These things can be taught to you in school/ colleges or by your parents or by personal experience but when we lack the urge to learn it is then that are downfall starts. 1. CAREER career A career makes our identity, it also decides our work frame, area of interest, caliber and future. This career holds true only when a person is educated. Education gives him/her the knowledge of their field so that they can pursue the career of their interest full fledged. On the contrary those who are illiterate are considered for labor jobs which do not require understanding, knowledge or development. They act as a source to the needs of the educated. Hence to have a secure and balanced career we need to work hard, learn new things, gain knowledge, spread our experience, help the society and become educated. Related posts: Top 10 Ways to Know That a Person is Lying Top 10 Ways to get Romantic when you Get Old Top 10 Reasons to have Trekking as a Hobby 10 Personality Traits of Person with Capricorn Astrological Sun Sign Top 10 Important things Money Can’t Buy Top 10 Characteristics of Hazel Eyed People Related Itemscareereducationimportance of basic educationlifewisdom of crowds ankita Shrivastava. < Previous Story Top 10 Ways to get to Know your Sibling Better Next Story > 10 Things Girls should Avoid on the First Date You may also like†¦ Skip a class Top 10 things to do Before You are 21 sweden Top 10 Best Countries for Higher Education 5. Remember It Happens to Everyone Top 10 Ways to Overcome an Embarrassing Moment Search Recent Posts 10 Reasons why Family Traditions are Important 10 Fun Things to do While Camping Top 10 Popular Video Games Played by Adults Top 10 Movies to Watch this Christmas Top 10 Ways to Double up the Adventure on a Trip Categories Bizarre Education Entertainment Food Health History How to Internet. Lifestyle More Most Expensive Relationships Tech Travel Follow us on Twitter About Advertise Contact Disclaimer Privacy Policy Write for Us List Crux All kinds of facts on diverse topics are condensed into interesting top 10 lists by our curious, intelligent and well informed authors. From movies to music, from food to clothes, from gadgets to natural beauty, you will find a huge variety of heterogeneous information in the form of captivating lists here. Copyright  © 2013 ListCrux. com Calender August 2014 M T W T F S S  « Jul 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 25262728293031 Search Archives August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014. April 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 It Gives Knowledge â€Å"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. † – Benjamin Franklin A direct effect of education is knowledge gain. Education gives us knowledge of the world around. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us form opinions and develop a point of view. The information we are constantly bombarded with, cannot be converted into knowledge without the catalyst called education. Education makes us capable of interpreting things rightly and applying the gathered information in real life scenarios. Education is not limited to lessons from textbooks. Real education is obtained from the lessons taught by life. It Leads to Career Progression â€Å"An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less. † – Nicholas M. Butler Education is important because it equips us with the expertise that is needed in helping us realize our career goals. Expertise is an in-depth knowledge about a specific field and it’s ought to open doors to brilliant career opportunities. Education fetches better prospects of career growth. Good education is an eligibility criterion for employment in any sector of the industry. Be it any field, education always proves to be rewarding. We  are weighed in the market on the basis of our educational skills and on how well we can apply them. It Builds Character â€Å"A man’s own manner and character is what most becomes him. † – Marcus Tullius Cicero The words ‘cultivate’ and ‘civilize’ are synonymous with ‘educate’. That says it all. Education is important as it teaches us the right behavior and good manners, thus making us civilized. It is the basis of culture and civilization. It is instrumental in the development of our values and virtues. Education cultivates us into mature individuals; individuals capable of planning for the future, and taking the right decisions in life. It gives us an insight into living, and teaches us to learn from experience. It makes us self-confident, and develops our†¦ Continues for 2 more pages  » Read full document Full access is free for premium users. Add to Library (0) Download Print Report this Essay Facebook Twitter Google+ Send Rate This Document 4. 5 1 2 3 4 5 Read full document Full access is free for premium users. Document Details Words: 790 Related Essays why is education so impo †¦ isn’t cool it puts stress in many people’s life. So think before you act or speak†¦ 1 Pages Why Is Childhood so Impo †¦ Why Is Childhood Important? Written by Evan Bailyn on 06/20 at†¦ 3 Pages Why Poetry Is so Importa †¦ on the writer’s feelings, history and perceptions, so every person has the†¦ 2 Pages Why English so important †¦ article was downloaded by: [Hong Kong Institute of Education] On: 19 November†¦ 41 Pages Why Is History so Import †¦ Why is History so important? My mom always told me†¦ 1 Pages Cite This Essay APA (2013, 12). Why is Education so Important? Academic degree. (2016, Sep 22).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Martin Luther King Jr I have a dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Martin Luther King Jr I have a dream - Essay Example While his oratory skills are legendary, how did King establish credibility with this particular audience? By invoking Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation, he reminds the audience of its history and the promises still to be realized. He also discusses how the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence address the rights of every American, not just certain segments of the population. By doing so, he unites his audience with a common cause that reflects on every citizen. From the standpoint of establishing character, it is clear that he is passionate about the subject and pulls the audience in with both the poetry and practical approach of his words. He gains their respect by addressing the reasonable points of his argument and reminding them that change must be found on â€Å"the high plane of dignity and discipline.† The speech is very charismatic, evident by the way in which the audience responds to King’s words. Eye to eye with the audience, his command is powerful; it is indeed like a minister speaking to his congregation. As the speech progresses with greater energy and rhythm, the audience is engaged in an almost shared religious experience. King appeals to the audience both emotionally and intellectually. He tells them that the struggle for equality involves everyone. By reminding his audience that we are all bound together and referencing various parts of the country, he strengthens his argument. When he says â€Å"We cannot walk alone,† King is reinforcing a sense of community and faith in the goodness of Man. Therefore, he makes those that disagree seem divisive and beholden to the past. I believe his main point involves taking the lessons--and promises--of the past and using them to build a future that has no regard for the color of one’s skin. Speaking of hardships, unity and hope, he makes clear the urgency of his

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Second Short Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Second Short Paper - Assignment Example There has been a rise in shares of minorities and women and their productivity in economic development. Affirmative action in relation to reverse discrimination Reverse discrimination in spite of the negativity associated with it, has provided affirmative action with a platform for improving the lives of minorities. It has helped rectify inconsistent hypocritical issues affecting women and minorities. Affirmative action is important but not necessary because it leads to reverse discrimination. On the other hand, affirmative action attempts to bring equality and diversity regardless of color, race, or ethnicity to all. It is anything devoid of discrimination. 2. (Q.4) Can the legacy of institutionalized inequality is undone without affirmative action. Explain why or why not. A. Institutionalized inequalities are deeply rooted in all institutions. Institutionalized inequalities are discrimination and biasness that exist in institutions like government, colleges, and churches. It is dis crimination given due to sex, age, status quo among other forms of biasness. It has widened the gap between the rich and the poor. The corridors of justice rely deeply on institutionalized perceptions of gender and work with a shallow interpretation of laws on discrimination. Affirmative action has helped clear this deeply rooted vice of discrimination in institution. It ensures equal job opportunities, fair treatment in all institution. The policies of affirmative action are beneficial to all members of the society in eradicating institutionalized inequality. In the United States of America, the rank between the poor and the state welfare is everywhere. 3. (Q.3) what is equality of opportunity and how does it contrast with the reverse discrimination? A. Equality of opportunity is privileges guaranteed by antidiscrimination statutes to all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, or handicap. It is the individual’s freedom to pursue personal interest without restricti ons. It is about fairness in the way we treat others and addressing imbalances in a manner, which does not lead to discrimination. It ensures that every individual gets equal opportunities of success in life. It is a concept that individuals should make wise and independent. Competition under the concept assumes that free competition leads to fair results. However, the outcome of many competitions does not lead to equality or neutrality. For under privileged and minorities, equality of opportunity boosts in getting life started. In contrast with reverse discrimination, equality of opportunity is a corrective measure against discrimination of a group of individuals. Reverse discrimination involves actions that do not favor the majority. It is about social habits of discrimination for a dominant member of a group. It is an outcome of affirmative action policies. Refers for instance to affirmative action on men in a college, seen as discrimination by women. It is biasness for an indivi dual of a majority. It treats the privileged unfairly for the sake of the underprivileged. Equality of opportunity fights for equal treatment for all. In another perspective, affirmative action is reverse discrimination and therefore illegal. The policies of affirmative action attempt to give equal opportunities to women, minority groups and anyone who has face discrimination. 4. (Q.5) what is ‘

Research Article Critique Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Article Critique - Research Paper Example Then, the article seeks to identify the alternatives to traditional insurance adopted by physicians so as to maintain viability amidst this medical malpractice insurance crisis. Thirdly, the article seeks to determine the advantages and disadvantages of each of these alternatives. 6. It was found out that the unavailability and high cost of insurance premiums was the reason for medical malpractice insurance crisis. Thus, captive insurance and risk retention and risk purchasing groups were the alternatives adopted as a remedy. Though each had unique disadvantages, these alternatives increased purchasing power, offered flexibility in savings and improved on cost effectiveness of medical malpractice insurance. This study provides malpractice insurance solutions to healthcare providers. c. In the first topic, the research questions could be on how the current state of medical malpractice has impacted on claims settlement and how the current state of medical malpractice has influenced the approach by insurers to medical practitioners, particularly with regards to premium computation. On the second topic, probable research questions could be how medical malpractice insurance crisis affected availability of healthcare services and how the impact on public confidence in healthcare provision amidst the current medical malpractice insurance crisis. e. The first topic would provide information on how medical malpractice has resulted in increased insurance premiums for medical practitioners. Such costs would be passed down to the consumer hence the need for families to prepare to bear the increased cost of healthcare. The second topic would justify the reason for more healthcare providers opting out of the business as a result of increased cost of doing business, thus the need for families to be on the look on the performance of their healthcare providers to avoid disappointments when their need

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What is a strategic control system what role does accounting play in a Essay

What is a strategic control system what role does accounting play in a strategic control system are the strategic management accounting in Caterpillar effecti - Essay Example The process can be considered as a fundamental due to the fact that it involves even the strategic management accounting as one of the essential aspects. Basically SMA is one of the specializing areas in strategic control systems due to the fact that it deals primarily on management accounting issues specifically by using data and information related to finances and accounting (SMA Supplementary Notes 2-3). The strategic control management then can be considered essential in the operation of the whole system and in the specific aspects of the operation as well. In relation to management accounting, the said process can be considered to be involved in the study of the different groups involved in the market along with the market’s behaviour, the determination of most effective solutions and implementation of the said strategies (SMA Supplementary Notes 3). The main role of strategic control system in accounting is evident in the dimensions covered by the SMA. Specifically, it is the planning of possible projects and implementations of different plans related to financial issues. Due to the characteristic of being strategic, there are different alternatives and contingencies that are presented to ensure the success of the operation. It is important to consider though that management accounting is not the sole field wherein strategic control system is involve. Although majority of the companies concentrate on the strategies to improve and achieve profits for the company, the coverage of the system is extensive due to the involvement in different aspects and departments of the company or organization. Based on the study by Ittner & Larcker, the main processes included in the strategic control system are the strategic implementation process, the internal and the external monitoring (3). The said processes are applied

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Jones Soda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Jones Soda - Essay Example These two companies are actually selling their brands and have already expanded globally through their manufacturing and expansion strategies. Compared with Jones Soda, Coke and Pepsi have gained remarkable market share in the worldwide market for beverages. What these two companies are trying to enhance as of the moment is in line with preventing customer erosion. In this regard, they always would want to emphasize the uniqueness of their taste and so consumers would always differentiate them from another product brands. Although Jones Soda is not that far from this strategy, but eventually its entire entry into the market together with its highly differentiated products are a bit experimental in their forms. In modern times, websites are the most convenient means to reach potential customers. In the case of Jones Soda, its website could actually serve substantial contribution to its operation. For instance, in its website consumers could freely address their concerns with Jones and its product offerings. Consumers for instance could actually suggest for product development, cross their voices over to Jones especially regarding matters about customer service, retailing and distribution, and many others. At the end of the day, the information gathered from the customers via Jones’ websites and if assessed, could pave the way for its competitive advantage in the future. Product differentiation strategy of Jones is something different from its industry. Jones Soda having at some point weird tastes for its soft drinks that some consumers appreciate is a remarkable advantage. The major benefit of this strategy is the opportunity for recognition of Jones Soda as another brand and key players in the soft drinks manufacturing industry. However, at some point, this differentiation may substantially lack focus especially in acceptability of the product in certain situations or occasions,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Answer the questions base on a company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Answer the questions base on a company - Essay Example The evolution of strategic management can be better understood through real time systems and positioning systems. These are the basic strategic management tools used by the earlier companies. The strategic management process is the one which requires a basic conversation for turning goals and visions into act. It demands corporate culture which is intensive and adaptive. Lastly, the sense of corporate mission should be strong and should reach every corner of the organization, thus, it is touted as the destination. Answer b Ford has recently implemented various strategic management activities. Example 1 A clearly defined corporate mission statement is the first sign of the good and effective strategic firm. Though the corporate mission statement of the organization is extremely short, it is clearly explained through various sub-headings. Example 2 The company went for a lean management strategy in 2006. Ford started cutting costs, improving designs and increasing their efficiency leve ls to increase their overall brand appeal. In order to cover increasing pension costs and maintain the cash flow, the company introduced strategic operations into its management (Khan and Pillania 1510-1520). New and advanced machines took over and production increased dramatically. Example 3 Workforce diversity is another strategic management activity implemented by the firm. In terms of dealers, suppliers and employees, the organization has maintained diversity and inter-cultural infusion. This shows the adaptability of the organization and its commitment as well as ability to keep up with the pace (Alexander and Doherty 15-19). Answer c The mission statement of Ford is â€Å"One team, one plan and one goal† (â€Å"Mission and Vision†). One team represents the workforce of the car manufacturing brand. The company works together as a global and lean enterprise for leadership in automobiles as well as satisfaction of its employees, dealers, customers, suppliers, invest ors, council/union and communication. It is under a single plan that the company aims for aggressive restructuring in order to operate in a profitable manner and take control of the current demands. With one goal in mind, the organization expects to deliver growth which is profitable for all. The overall goal for the year 2014 is to create worldwide profitable growth. The company aims to cash on the changing business environment in the countries as well as markets where the company has established. Ford will be inventing research and development in order to find out the likes and changing perceptions of its target consumers. Accordingly, the company will be establishing strategies and tactics. The objective of the company for the year 2014 is to produce first class vehicles and establish itself as one of the finest and most preferred car making company across the globe (â€Å"Our Strategy†). 2. On corporate governance Corporate governance is a system created with the objectiv e of controlling and directing corporations around the globe. Answer a Three traditional roles of board of directors are: Providing continuity for the firm through setting up legal or corporate existence and representing the point of view of the organization to every interested and involved entity in the external environment. These include customers, investors, suppliers, governments, employees and communities. In order

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mao Zedong Essay Example for Free

Mao Zedong Essay Mao Zedong took over the running of China from the GMD in 1949. The country was in an awful situation; it was weak, bankrupt and had little power. There were several reasons why the country was left in such a state. The Emperors who had ruled China for centuries had failed to modernise the country and China still believed in the ancient traditions of life. Foreign intervention had also hindered the development of China and caused problems. Foreign countries, such as Hong Kong, which was controlled by Britain and Mares, which was controlled by Portugal, controlled the main port areas in China. The intervention of foreign influence meant that China was unable to make important decisions for themselves. The world wars and the civil wars also affected China. The continuous battles between the GMD and the CCP striped the land of valuable resources. At the end of the civil war the defeated GMD left China for Taiwan and took the countries gold reserves. When the CCP took over as the governing body of China, they were bankrupt and had little power or resources. Mao Zedong decided action needed to be taken and this was one of the reasons why the second five-year plan was introduced. In 1950 Mao decided that China needed financial support, and so turned to Russia. Russia was the first communist country and was a natural place to look for help. China and Russia signed the Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance. China was provided with financial aid and technical advice. They received $300 million over 5 years and 10,000 engineers and planning experts to help develop Chinas economy. The First five year plan was drawn up under the influence of the Russian advisers, to develop the economy. The plan gave priority to the development of heavy industry e. g. steel, coal and machinery. But it neglected light industry such as cotton making and food processing. This meant that the growth in living standards was slow. The first five year plan achieved great success in the development of heavy industry. The output of coal increased from 63. 5 million tonnes in 1952 to 124 tonnes in 1957. The output of steel also increased. It rose from 1,9 million tonnes to 5. 8 million tonnes. The Second five year plan was introduced in 1958 to build upon the successes of the first five year plan. Maos aim was that the second five year plan would improve both industry and agriculture at the same time. The main target of the plan was to catch up with the Western powers. Mao intended that the Chinese economy would overtake Britain in 15 years and America in 20-30 years. Mao took over China when it was very weak and very vulnerable. Under the guidance of the Russian advisers Mao introduced the first five year plan. During this plan some improvements were made, but Mao still decided further sacrifice was needed to move China forward. During Maos tour of the countryside in 1958 he said he had witnessed the tremendous energy of the masses and decided this was the way to change China into a modern country. Mao had a vision to make China into one of the worlds leading industrial nations at the same time as improving her agriculture. To do this Mao introduced the second five year plan, which he called the Great Leap Forward. When Mao received financial aid from Russia in 1950, he described this as getting meat out of the mouth of a tiger. Mao knew it was dangerous but also knew it was the only way to develop China. Mao also introduced the Great Leap Forward because he realised he had to develop China as they could not rely on Russia forever, and must stand on its own. Mao wanted to conduct the Great Leap Forward in a socialist way. Cooperatives and then communes were set up to gather the tremendous energy of the masses. The peasants. The peasants were very important in Maos plan. Mao was going to use the huge amount of peasants to change China. 80-90% of the population were peasants; Mao had plenty of people to carry out tasks. During he first five year plan the peasants had been set up into lower and higher stage co-operatives, this was to share the workload. In the second five year plan these co-operatives were developed into communes. The function of the communes was to act as a unit of local government with a committee made up of peasants, party members and soldiers. Each commune had an eating hall, schools and houses of happiness for the old. They were also set up as a unit of work organisation and finally a unit of the communist party. Mao encouraged the peasants to work by using propaganda. The government made every effort to whip the people into a frenzy of enthusiasm for work. They used posters, slogans and newspaper articles to urge the Chinese people to work, also loudspeakers played revolutionary music and stirring speeches to encourage work. The peasants may have been Chinas biggest resource but they were also theirs biggest problem as there was a tremendous amount of them and it was difficult to feed them all. China had very poor relations with America and there was a risk of conflict. The USA feared that China would spread communism to Asia and then to other parts of the world. The USA also showed its support for the GMD and in 1949 sent a US fleet to Taiwan. This was to show China that its support lay with the GMD and not them. This enraged Mao. In 1950 the USA sent troops to South Korea against the Chinese backed North Korea who were attempting to spread communism. In 1953 the relations between China and the USA were again affected. The USA blocked Chinas application to join the UN (United Nations) because they did not want to accept that the CCP was the governing body of China. China felt threatened by the USA and wanted to strengthen itself so it could stand up to countries like America. This was one of the reasons why the second five-year plan was introduced. China also had difficult relations with Russia. To begin with the two countries had a strong Relationship and then it fell apart. China and Russia seemed to be natural allies against the Western powers, as they were both communist countries. In 1950 Russia and China signed a Treaty of Friendship. But Mao realised this was dangerous, he states it was like taking meat from the mouth of a tiger. Mao wasnt the only one who thought this deal was risky. Khrushchev, the leader of Russia states that conflict with China is inevitable. He also said Mao is bursting with a impatient desire to rule the world. So conflict between the two countries seemed certain. In the mid 1950s the relations between the two countries began to deteriorate, due to several reasons. First Russia promised to help China develop atomic weapons but when asked they refused. Secondly China made claims for land at the India border but Russia failed to back them. China also claimed the right to control Taiwan and Russia again failed to support them. Finally Russia and China themselves had border disputes which weakened relations even further. China began to feel isolated by the breakdown of relations and Mao decided China must develop to survive. Then in1960 Russia withdrew aid, relations at this time were critical. Mao knew he had to act and the poor relations between China and Russia was a main reason why the second five-year plan was introduced. Only a few months after Mao introduced the Great Leap Forward things began to go dreadfully wrong. There were problems in industry and agriculture. The government put too much pressure on people and machinery. Often people would fall asleep at their post and machines would regularly overload due to the increased workload. The idea of the backyard steel campaign was also a failure. It produced impure steel which couldnt be used and steel that could be used was just left to rot. The backyard steel campaign took many peasants away from farming and so less food was being produced. The campaign also used valuable resources it used a lot of wood and coal. Many railway locomotives were unable to be used because of the lack of coal available. The crops that were grown began to die due to bad planning. The crops were place in show fields were there was little room, little and not much water. Bad weather also hindered the production of food. In some parts of the country crop fields were flooded by the heavy rains, whilst other crop field were left without any water and the crop were left to die. During the 3 bitter years 1959-61, over 20million people died as a result of lack of food. This was due to bad planning and the awful weather conditions. When the Russians withdrew their aid in 1960 the second five-year plan collapsed. Mao then lost support and the moderates kicked him out of office. Mao was left with the post of chairman of the party but had no control in the economy or the running of the country. During the second five-year plan the following successes were made. The population was reorganised into communes, this was such a success because there was over 700 million peasants living in China. To start with the plan achieved early success in the production of food and steel. There were also 600,000 furnaces set up to aid in the production of steel. The Chinese peasants also constructed a dam and canal. These were completed in record time. The second five-year plan also suffered a lot of failures. Poor planning caused these. The backyard steel campaign wasted resources such as coal and timber and took peasants away from food production. The output of the steel was impure and unusable. There was competition between communes, which led to each commune setting ridiculous targets. This led to the government believing it had more food and so food rations were increased. The second five-year plan ended in complete failure causing the deaths of more then 20million people from starvation and other related diseases.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Juvenile offenders should be tried and punished as adults

Juvenile offenders should be tried and punished as adults A youth say 13, boy or girl, acquires a gun and shoots another youth who has been harassing them. There is no doubt they should receive some sort of punishment for their actions. However, should they receive this punishment through the Juvenile Courts or Criminal Courts? This is the question, which has no real definitive answer. However, this paper will attempt to address some important issued concerning this matter. Studies have shown that juvenile crime was on the raise during the beginning of the 1990s. During the late 1990s and into the early part of the new century these crimes have fallen slightly. However, where these crimes the same type of crimes as juveniles committed before? No these crimes have become more violent in nature due to the change in the world we live in. Therefore, in conducting research into this matter it came to show the age of the individual should not be a determining factor but the crime committed. Juveniles today commit more serious crimes than before; thus requiring them to be tried and punished as adults because of the nature of the crime, violence involved, and types of crimes. Now in dealing with the crimes being committed we cannot discuss this without first getting over a major hurdle, being age. This is the most discussed portion of any argument when dealing with juveniles and crime. At what age does a child have the ability to commit a crime? Under the common law, which all laws in the United States originated, states that a child could not commit a crime if the defense was able to prove infancy. Infancy or in other words immaturity was the guide and concluded a child could not commit an adult offense. However, what is this age and when does it or did it change? Well in order to answer these questions, we must look into our past. Children for many years were more property then identified as person. If a child did something wrong it was legal for a father to take his life. Now as time went on things changed and so did life. Progress was moving forward and children advanced along with the rest of humanity. This is evident today in that children today do things we could only dream of doing at their age. In considering this at what age, does a child show a difference between diminished responsibility and bad decision? Children today have advanced socially due to modern technology such as television, movies, and games. The time when a child killed someone but because he/she did not understand a gun with bullets can harm is no longer. Now they can still make a bad decision but at the same time adults make bad decisions and are held responsible so why not those children who do the same thing? Legislation in each state addressed this issue. The State of Arizona for example has no age limit for transferring a juvenile to criminal court. Arizona uses a variety of provisions in order to deal with juvenile crime. These include judicial wavier laws like discretionary and presumptive. In addition, procedures for dealing concurrent jurisdiction, statutory exclusion, reverse wavier and once an adult always an adult. The next part in dealing with age is the use of term delinquency as it pertains to juvenile crime. Before continuing, you must understand when dealing with juvenile crimes the term delinquency is a part of the actions involved. All juveniles who process through the Juvenile Court system obtain the label as delinquent. However, there are two types of delinquency, first are the illegal acts whether committed by an adult or juvenile. Second are status offenses, which only juveniles commit. These status offenses are those such as curfew violations, truancy, and running away from home. These acts, though they concern us, may only come into consideration when deciding to transfer a juvenile to criminal court, but are not tried themselves in criminal court. The illegal acts such as murder, robbery, rape, and so on are the crimes in which juveniles are transfer to criminal court. These crimes are the ones in which juveniles today are committing but until recently where tried in Juvenile court. In many cases, delinquency determines if a juvenile who has committed minor offenses, then commi ts a felony crime requires transferred. Under some current legislation once, a juvenile commits a felony crime they automatically are delinquent and transferred to criminal court. What is the nature of the crimes that would constitute a juvenile being transferred to criminal court? The nature of the crimes committed by juveniles has changed over the years. For example, if a juvenile took someones car without permission it was more of a prank referred to as joyriding. Today taking of the same car would be theft. Since most uses of stolen cars is for the furtherance of committing other crimes. This is just a simple example but it sets the stage for how the juvenile justice system had to evolve in order to keep up with the crimes being committed. The focus of the juvenile courts was rehabilitation of the offenders without attaching a permanent criminal record. Believing that all children had no knowledge or responsibility of the actions they committed. This relates back to the argument about age and crimes committed by juveniles. Until the 1990s juveniles, committing crimes rarely saw their case transferred to criminal court. This changed when juveniles began committing more and more adult crimes and the thought changed concerning the nature of crime as it pertain s to juveniles. Therefore, legislation adjusted the focus of the juvenile justices system correcting the nature of the crime to be the same between adults and juveniles. Juveniles who committed felony crimes were now responsible for those crimes and received the same legal process as adults. This in itself was a major change from that of the juvenile courts. Under the provisions of juvenile courts, an offender did not have any constitutional rights. In criminal court, these juveniles now received the same protections under the constitution. Now that the nature of crime changed to meet the needs of the justice system, the violence used became a concern. In the early years of the juvenile justice system, there was violence involved with certain crimes committed. However, the violence pertained more to assault and battery. As time progressed so did the juvenile criminals. Now longer were the crimes just involving assault but weapons, particularly guns became involved. Increasing the violence used while committing crimes. This also led to the increase of fear in the public concerning juvenile criminal activity. As far as weapons are concerned, the use of a gun in violent assaults exceeds that of other weapons. The juvenile offender no longer needs to be within arms range to commit crimes. The use of a gun provided for an increase in murders and attempted murders committed by juveniles. Furthermore, technology today overwhelmed juveniles with images justifying gun violence. We cannot change the advancement of technology but it should be of concern to us. The problems of being a juvenile today also influenced juvenile violence. Juveniles carrying guns to school and using them helped fuel the thought of transferring cases to criminal court. Now not all crimes committed by juveniles with the use of weapons have received transfers to criminal court. The use of a gun, which is violent, was the center point of a case in Santa Cruz County, Arizona. In this case, a juvenile found and began playing with a gun; even though he removed the magazine; he did not know the gun was still loaded. He pointed the gun at a friend and killed her. This case remained in juvenile court and the offender received a sentence of one year in jail. So what is the difference between this and a juvenile who uses a gun in a drive by shooting? The amount of violence is the same. The difference is the intent involved. This again brings up the issue of age and knowledge of the crime being committed. Juveniles who use violence during the commission of a crime know what they are doing and need to be accountable for them. Now with these changes in the n ature of crime and violence, the need to discuss the legislative statutes involved with transferring cases to criminal court. The association between psychopathic characteristics and the severity of the crime has been investigated in two studies. Brandt et al. (1997) found a correlation between the 18-itemPCL-R Total and Factor 1 scores and crime severity. Gretton, McBride, Lewis, OShaughnessy, and Hare (1994) reported that adolescent sex offenders with high PCL:YV scores threatened their victims more and used more server violence during their sexually assaultive acts then did nonpsychopathic sexual offenders. (Gacono, 2000) When dealing with juveniles and the current procedures of transferring them to criminal court, one must consider the types of crimes, which brought this about. Instead, more selective strategies seem warranted in which only the most violent youth (e.g., those employing firearms and chronic violent offenders) are targeted for criminal court processing. (Myers,D. Young, M. 2005) The seriousness of a felony crime and the fact they are being committed by juveniles lead to a fear in the public. Whether this fear is real or imagined is not the issue. The fact that juveniles are killing causes concern to many. Now the origins of the juvenile courts came about to deal with the problems of juveniles committing petty crimes and status offenses. Since that, time society has changed and life has changed. Juveniles today are involved in criminal activity that before was considered only done by adults. The violent activity of gangs increased with drug activities beginning in the early 1990 has al so supported these fears. These issues met with an outcry from the public to get control of the activities of these juvenile criminals and protect the public. As stated before Arizona has several methods for dealing with juvenile criminals. At the top level is the fact Arizona has no age limit for which the transfer of a juvenile case to criminal court. Therefore, upon the determination of the district attorney, the decision to transfer the case to criminal court can occur to any juvenile even at the age of 10. The state also has other means authorized by legislation concerning the transfer of cases. Arizona has Judicial Wavier, which contains two components. The first is discretionary, which allows for the use of discretion when determining if prosecutor transfers a case. The next is presumptive, which is when age, crime and statutory requires make transfer the mean but allows the offender to show proof that the case should not transfer. Then there is concurrent jurisdiction where the prosecutor can proceed in juvenile or criminal court as they both have authority. Statutory exclusion is for certain categories of juvenile offenders and the decision is solely with prosecutor. Then there is reverse wavier, which allows the criminal court to send the case back to juvenile court of action. Also Arizona has the once an adult/always an adult, which means once a juvenile has processed as an adult in criminal court he/she will always be processed in criminal court. Now with an understanding of how cases transfer to criminal court, we need to look at the crimes juveniles commit. Criminal statutes vary from state to state. Juvenile delinquency is a violation of state or federal law or municipal ordinance by a minor that, if committed by an adult, would constitute a crime. (Roberts, A. 2004b) However, under every state statute the crimes, which are felony crimes, remain the same. Crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, are just some of the crimes. A felony crime is one in which the offender can receive one year or more in prison. Nationally the numbers of juveniles arrested for felony crimes began to increase and in most statics peaked in the mid 1990s. Even though there was a drop since that time, the numbers concerning violent crimes are still alarming. The Federal Bureau of Investigations is responsible for tracking crime statistics. Now in dealing with statistics you must take it with a grain of salt. Writers use Statistics to sway our opinions for one purpose or another. However, in taking the information just as shown, you can make you own decision. The information between 1999 and 2008 showed drops in murder/manslaughter, forcible rape, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, arson, and violent crime. These numbers were significant as they showed decreases above 10 percent in all but two categories. (Extract from Crime in the United States 2008.) However, those same statistics when taken in a smaller year span show much different results. Between 2004 and 2008, those same crimes showed increases in murder/manslaughter, robbery, burglary, larceny, and violent crime. All these crimes listed are felony crimes across the country. These types of crimes are which the changes in law and attitude prompted transferring juveniles to criminal court. Now is there a correlation between the reduction in some crimes and the punishments received by offenders? This is a good question, since statistics relating to crimes committed by juveniles is non-existent or of no value. However, one can conclude that the decrease can result from more juveniles incarcerated. However, there are studies, which indicate that juveniles transferred to criminal court receive less punishment, then those retained in juvenile courts. Whatever the case maybe these types of crimes are of concern throughout the public and treating these offenders as adults was a neces sary requirement. This with the other factors justified the transferring juvenile criminals to criminal courts. Age of a juvenile came into consideration when determining whether they were able to commit a felony crime. This is not the case anymore as we progressed through the years so have the juveniles. Where there was a belief they could not understand what they were doing, they now know fully their actions. Delinquent juveniles have shown there inability to respond to rehabilitation and therefore need to receive more appropriate punishments. The natures of the crimes committed by juveniles now no longer perceived to be acts of immaturity but the criminal acts they are. Juveniles can and do understand their acts and those who commit criminal activity with knowing intent should receive the same treatment as adult. There are legislative statutes to control the transfer of juveniles to criminal court. Even though they are not perfect they due provide for constitutional guaranties and only transfer those who require appropriate treatment. . There is no end in sight for the types of crimes being committed. We cannot go back in time therefore we need to treat those juvenile criminals as such and stop the glorification of committing these crimes. Reference Page Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders. A Century of Juvenile Justice. (2002) Chicago: University Of Chicago Press, 206, 226-229. Griffin, P., Szymanski, L., Torbet, P.(1998) Trying Juveniles As Adults in Criminal Courts: An Analysis of State Transfer Provisions. New York: Diane Pub Co.. Gacono, C. (2000). The Clinical and forensic assessment of psychopathy: a practitioners guide. Mahwah, NJ . Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.. Myers, D., Young, M. (2005) How Should the Criminal Justice System Treat Juvenile Offenders?. Opposing Viewpoints Series Juvenile Crime (hardcover edition). 1 ed. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 95-110. Roberts, A. (2004a) Juvenile Justice Policy. Juvenile Justice Sourcebook Past Present and Future, Edition: 3. New York: Oxford Univpr, 49-51 and 56-60. Roberts, A. (2004b) Juvenile Court. Juvenile Justice Sourcebook Past Present and Future, Edition: 3. New York: Oxford Univpr, 252-257. Roberts, A. (2004c) An Overview of Juvenile and Juvenile Delinquency. Juvenile Justice Sourcebook Past Present and Future, Edition: 3. New York: Oxford Univpr, 10,11,13,15,19,20,21. Scott, E.S., Steinberg, L.(2008). Why Crime is Different?. Rethinking Juvenile Justice. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 94-99. Snyder, Howard N..(2000) Juvenile transfers to criminal court in the 1990s : lessons learned from four studies : summary (SuDoc J 32.20:J 98). Pittsburgh, PA: U.S. Dept Of Justice, Office Of Justice Programs, Office Of Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention. The Changing Faces of Juvenile Justice (Monographs of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Branch). (1978) 1st, Date Same on Title Copyright Page ed. New York City: New York University Press. Zimring, F.E..(2005) A Rational For American Juvenile Justice. American Juvenile Justice. New York: Oxford University Press, USA, 56-62. Crime in the United States 2008. FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Homepage. N.p., n.d. Web 13 July 2010. Snyder, H., Sickmund, M., Poe-Yamagata, E. (2000) Juvenile Transfers to Criminal Court in the 1990s: Lessons Learned From Four States. National Center for Juvenile Justice: Pittsburg, PA. Griffin, P. (2008) Different from Adults: An Updated Analysis of Juvenile Transfer and Blending Sentencing Laws, With Recommendations for Reform. National Center for Juvenile Justice: Pittsburg, PA Griffin, P. (2003) Trying and Sentencing Juveniles as Adults: An Analysis of State Transfer and Blending Sentencing Laws. National Center for Juvenile Justice: Pittsburg, PA